Guidance & School Counseling
Welcome! From testing to college and careers, GCVS school counselors help students navigate school and plan for the future.
What We Do
Our certified school counselors are trained to provide the resources and assistance students need while in school.
- Tutoring options
- Academic accommodations
- Referrals to community resources
- Counseling (individual, small group, and crisis response)
- Individual student planning
They also deliver high-quality academic, career, and personal counseling services to students in individual, small group, and classroom settings. This includes promoting positive mental health, social-emotional learning, career exploration, vocational training, help to choose the right college or university, and more!
Our Mission
The mission of the GCVS school counseling program is to help prepare every student for success in the 21st century by removing barriers to achievement for all students. Leveraging technology and the accessibility of online learning, all students will receive a comprehensive school counseling program. Through developmentally appropriate preventative and responsive counseling services delivered by certified professional school counselors, all students are empowered to explore their passions, interests, and talents leading to increased engagement and continued growth. The GCVS school counseling program supports teachers and families by providing flexible and personalized online learning opportunities so all students can achieve academically, personally, and in meaningful post-secondary college and career pursuits.
Contact Our Counselors
To contact one of our counselors, please call administrative assistant Christina Fisher at 413-475-3879, extension 87.
Or schedule a meeting directly with your school counselor.
French BrittanyBrittany French Grade 9: Last Names A–G, Grades 10–12: Last Names A–F bfrench@gcvs.org Send message »AddressCounselor InformationGrade 9: Last Names A–G
Grades 10–12: Last Names A–FAdditional informationThis is my ninth year at GCVS, and I'm excited to work with all my students! We will work on various activities including career exploration work in Naviance, executive function skills development, post-secondary planning activities, and more.
Education: I received my BA in psychology at Westfield State University and my MEd with a concentration in school counseling at Springfield College.
My Favorites:
- My family! My husband, five siblings, three nieces, and one nephew.
- Finley, my dog
- Pirates of the Caribbean
- Visiting Maine
- Pop punk music (especially Taking Back Sunday
Lessard JasonJason Lessard Grade 9: Last Names H–M, Grades 10–12: Last Names G–O jlessard@gcvs.org Send message » 413-862-5642, ext. 196AddressCounselor InformationGrade 9: Last Names H–M
Grades 10–12: Last Names G–OAdditional informationI have been a guidance counselor for over ten years, and I am excited to work with my students and their families. Throughout your time at GCVS, we will work on various activities including career exploration, developing executive function skills, post-secondary planning, and much more.
When scheduling an appointment please only select times when you are not in class. I look forward to hearing from you!
Moreau RobRob Moreau Grade 9: Last Names N–Z, Grades 10–12: Last Names P–Z rmoreau@gcvs.org Send message » 413-475-3879, ext. 189AddressCounselor InformationGrade 9: Last Names N–Z
Grades 10–12: Last Names P–ZAdditional information
Ruhle JenniferJennifer Ruhle Grades 6–8 jruhle@gcvs.org Send message » 413-930-4257AddressCounselor InformationGrades 6–8Additional information