Safety & Security
We take the responsibility for student safety very seriously. Within our school systems, we have integrated robust security systems and implemented safety measures to enhance student safety while they are learning with us.
Some systems are dedicated to content filtering; others protect students’ access and information.
Relay by Lightspeed Systems
Lightspeed Systems’ Relay content filters give us more innovative content filtering. GCVS uses Relay to safely monitor search terms and website visits and filter potentially harmful or unwanted content. Relay’s filters can be used on any device, integrating directly with our learning management systems, ensuring they are effective and efficient.
Gaggle Safety Management
Gaggle Safety Management helps us protect our students from cyberbullying, self-harm, and other potentially harmful situations.
Gaggle combines machine learning technology and professional hands-on experts to spot potentially harmful content in emails, documents, shared files, images, and photos in G Suite and Schoology. Gaggle provides 24/7/365 protection, and their trained professionals alert school officials immediately if they identify an unsafe situation.